Get Involved!
Here are a few ways to get involved with The Change Agent:
Subscribe and Use It in Your Classroom!
The Change Agent strives to stay low-cost and accessible. If more programs can find as little as $20 per year in their budget to give a teacher online access, they will be going a long way towards insuring that we are sustainable. Check out our subscriber page and combine online access with a print subscription for maximum literacy learning for your students.
Submit an Article, Illustration, or Lesson Plan
The Change Agent promotes writing by adults who are students in basic skills classes. We seek news articles; poetry; stories; opinion pieces; interviews; book and video reviews; and lesson plans for each issue. The Change Agent is not an academic publication. We strive to publish materials that are accessible to adult learners. Suggested page length is 200-1000 words. If you’d like to submit an article or an illustration, check the Call for Articles. You can also contact the editor with any questions.
Volunteer for the Editorial Board
We recruit a new editorial board for each issue of the paper. After determining the topic for the issue, we look for board members from within and outside the adult education field who have some interest and expertise in the content area. Board members:
- help conceptualize and shape the content of the paper;
- help identify and solicit other writers for the paper;
- review submissions and make recommendations about their inclusion; and
- write at least one short article for the paper.
Board members attend two meetings at World Education in Boston, MA. We provide lunch and a $50 stipend per meeting. People participating from outside Boston may attend by phone. Contact the editor for more information.
Be an Ally of The Change Agent
The Change Agent has no promotion budget, and so we rely on word of mouth to get the word out about what we offer. Share this link with others you know in the field. Ask us to send you Change Agent flyers and/or copies of the “Call for Articles” so that you can provide them at your next staff meeting or your next regional or state conference. If you provide professional development, consider integrating information about The Change Agent, so people know about this high-interest, low-cost, student-written publication. Thank you!