Write for The Change Agent: Q&A
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What is The Change Agent?
The Change Agent is a national magazine. We publish articles about work, health, race, the pandemic, and much more. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still see a lot of free content on our website by exploring the Lesson Packets.
Who writes for The Change Agent?
People like you! Most of our writers are adult learners. If you are a student and your writing gets published in The Change Agent, you will receive a $50 gift card.
Who reads The Change Agent?
People like you! Most of our readers are adult learners. They read the articles to learn about important topics and to practice their reading. We don’t print copies of the magazine anymore. Instead, students can go online and read the articles or listen to them read out loud. Teachers use the stories to teach reading, writing, math, and other skills.
How can I write for The Change Agent?
First, read our Call for Articles on our website changeagent.nelrc.org/write-for-us/. Respond to one of the questions. Second, start writing! Speak from your experience. Speak from your heart. Use details. If you state facts, cite your sources. Share your story with others. Get feedback and work on it some more.
What if I am learning English?
If you are learning English or if you are a beginning writer, that’s okay! We want you to submit your writing at your level. It will be just right for students who are reading at that same level. Please don’t use Google translate. Get help and feedback from others to make sure you are telling your story fully. There is no need to turn in an essay with perfect spelling or perfect punctuation.
How and when do I submit my article?
Send your article by email to me, the editor, at cpeters@worlded.org. Make sure I get it before the deadline. Make sure your name and contact information is on every page. The editorial board will review your article and decide whether to publish it. When you submit an article, there is no guarantee it will be published.